But we did get our Christmas cards sent out with a letter this year. Here are the two cards we had. I only did a second one because I got some free ones. Do you like how I used the paint tool on our computer to cross out our names?:
Spacing Out
I took my youngest daughter to preschool this morning and all the other little kids were bringing their presents for the teachers. I realized that I had completely spaced getting a gift. However, my daughter did make them a card and I think that is gift enough since it came from her heart. I don't think we always need to get wrapped up in feeling like we HAVE to buy something for everyone. It is more important to me to show our love and appreciation in whatever way....a letter, personal words of thanks, positive feedback, etc. However, I did go ahead and drive through Starbucks to get some gift certificates for the teachers. I always loved getting Starbucks certificates to go with all my teacher mugs, chocolates, apple themed ornaments, pencils, and other gifts that people just get for you if you're a teacher.
Spacing the gifts for kids to take to their teachers isn't the only thing I've been spacing lately. I just feel so out of the zone as a mother. I've been feeling a bit lost and my days with my kids have kind of started to just melt into one continuous blah, or so it seems. I'm reading so much about running lately that I think I've lost track of some of the more important things in my life that I need to give my focus and energy to. So, I woke up this morning with many goals in mind.
Goals, Goals, Goals:
1. Start making time to read more parenting books, magazines or blogs. Finding more ways to be creative and fresh with my time with my kids instead of letting it all feel like work. As with anything in life, motherhood is just another role in my life that I need inspiration with. Just as I get inspiration about running from all of the running books and blogs I read, I know that the same inspiration is out there for my job as a mother. Any suggestions for inspiring, motivating, or fun parenting books, magazines or blogs out there?
2. I know I've said it again and again but I really want to make more time for writing in my journal. Writing in my personal journal is a lot different than writing on my blog. It allows me to really go within myself and be private and personal with my goals, my gratitude, and self reflection...raw and unrevised....writing for just me and not an audience. It has helped me grow in so many ways.
3. Being creative and deliberate with what I do with my kids. I know there is definitely a time to just let my kids play (huge part of the day) and even to let them zone out and watch some television without their t.v miser of a mom saying No no no. But really, I want to carve out time to have some more planned, focused creative and constructive projects to do with them...with them...not just setting them free and hoping they stay busy with it so I can do my stuff but really just sitting down WITH them (like I used to) and creating, building, writing, reading, imagining, going on fairy or treasure hunts, etc. This week I did manage to get to the Children's Museum with all three of them but that is just not always easy these days with everyone going to preschool, kinder and still having time to get things done. I have to be easier on myself and realize that I just can't keep up with the things I did all the time when I just had one. It isn't the same. But I can still find ways to make sure I'm being present and active in their life. Sometimes I get to the end of the day or the week and realize that it was all one big blur of getting things done, chasing a break, and missing out on what is important. Staying home with them day in and day out is definitely a challenge that I didn't expect to be so hard.
4. Realize that Running is wonderful, great, and fulfilling but there is such a thing as obsessing about it too much. I need to remind myself that life needs to be balanced. I tend to get into something and then put way too much mental focus and energy into this one thing. Sometimes other areas of my life tend to suffer because of this. I want to remind myself that I run because I love it. I run because it is part of who I am and what I feel I'm made to do. I run because it makes me happy and calm. However, with all this reading, writing, and talking about running and racing, I think I'm giving running a little too much of me. I want to bring myself back to myself and keep working on creating balance in my life. I have no doubts that 2011 will be an amazing year for running, racing and feeling fulfilled as an athlete but I also want it to be an amazing and fulfilling year as a mother, friend, and wife!
What are some current goals you have for your life? Big, Small, Long-term, Short-term?
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