Tonight I took advantage of a break in the rain to get in a quick run to shake me out of my "lack of sleep hangover" from staying up too late last night. A big wild night of wrapping presents with girlfriends until 1 a.m. I know, my life is so exciting, huh?! But really, this 32 year old can't handle the late nights anymore without paying for it the next day. I wasn't even really planning on running for sure today but I am so glad I did!
Steady half mile through the neighborhood. Came to to the high school track and thought I'd just stretch and play around for a repeat of two just to see where these little legs of mine are at. Well, I have a long long way to go....lots of work to do but the good news is that it felt AMAZING and I know that I will be able to do the work and get to where I want to be because this hamstring is feeling like new again! For those of you that might care, my repeats were just an 800 at 3:15, 400 at 1:34, 400 at 1:35 and a 400 at 1:35 with a 400 recovery pace in between. Nothing to write home about (do they still use that term or does it just make me sound old?) but I felt pretty strong and I still had plenty left in me after each one to let me know that I could have pushed it if it was a real speed workout. And then I headed out to run another 2 miles to finish up. Amazing how some faster paced running can make my normal light running pace seem so effortless. Excited to do some real speed repeats sometime soon.
Tonight was one of those nights I took my iPod with me. Even with my crappy playlist, I honestly felt as if the music helped me in some way on my little test repeats. As I said, it was my first time using music for any kind of track workout and I think I liked it! The music made me feel like I had a bit more gusto to was inspiring and motivating. I'm certain that Brain research has more to say about music and how it relates to athletic performance and I'm sure this is why so many runners run with music today.
One of the biggest reasons I've never been an iPod runner is because I don't even know where to begin when it comes to coming up with an awesome iPod list. It is just OVERWHELMING to me to try to go through all the music out there and try to come up with something that will be awesome to run with. My playlist stinks! There are a few good songs in there with a bunch of not so good songs. After tonight's pretend speed workout with an iPod, I have come to some conclusions:
1. It is time to start getting my ipod loaded up with a few good playlists. One for a more mellow run, one that gets me going and maybe just one that would be perfect if/when I decide if I'd ever use it in a race.
2. I need help with this! Please send me as little or as much of your playlist as you are willing to share. I need suggestions.
3. Better yet, what can I do or how much can I pay you to just send me a CD with your awesome tunes?? Seriously, what can we trade?? I don't know that I can offer much. I could offer to do your homework for you, or grade your students' papers. Oh, if you're near me, I could offer to babysit for you, wash your car, clean your floors. Okay, it is probably against the law to do that anyway. I'll just have to get the music the lawful way.
Recently, I've read several articles and blogs that have mentioned races that don't allow iPods. Why is this? Please fill me in. I don't really care that much (probably why I have not known much about this issue before) but there must be some sort of controversy? Do they think that running with music is an unfair advantage to help runners run faster? I personally feel that it probably isn't that big of an issue, especially if everyone has the same opportunity to use an iPod if they choose to do so. Music isn't going to help anyone too terribly much. Or does it?
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