Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Body Fuel. You Are What You Eat?

I was talking with a friend the other day about how sad it is that it costs so much to eat well.  Quality food can be expensive!  The sad thing is that there are so many families that can't afford to buy the good stuff...the organic fruits and veggies, nuts, etc..  Sad that the food that is cheap is also the food that is the poorest fuel for our bodies.

We do not by any means have a perfect diet!  I have a TON to learn about nutrition, making healthy recipes and making sure I'm getting (and giving my family) the best foods. I try.  It isn't always easy though.  Or cheap. I guess I'm willing to pay more for good food when I can. And I'm thankful that I can for the most part.  If I had to choose between eating well and having lots of new stuff that I don't really need then I'd choose to spend my money on food any day.  Food is my fuel and what I am eating has so much to do with how I feel and how I perform as an athlete!  So I'll take the fresh fruits and veggies over the iphone, the new television, or the expensive pair of jeans (okay, I like the jeans too..tough choice).

  Today I had to get a few things from Whole Foods that I can only get there and as those of you with kids know, keeping the number of stops you have to make to a minimum is ideal so I did most of my weekly shopping there.  Good grief!  They should name this place Whole Pay Check!  Although I spent way more than I would have at Safeway, I feel good about the food my family will be eating.  I of course still have things like Mac n' Cheese, processed cereals, crackers, candy, and lots of other easy foods that I stuff down my kids' throats on a daily basis.  Like I said, I try and have lots of improvements I could make.  Since I don't enjoy cooking or  finding and following new recipes, I buy a lot of fresh foods that we can just eat as they are.  I wish I enjoyed cooking and creating new food isn't even that I can't (I can actually cook pretty well) but  I just don't enjoy it like some do!  If I had all the money in the world, I would totally hire a personal chef!

Here are some of the foods we will be eating this week (and I know that it isn't all good for us either!):

Yes, I know honey grahams in a natural looking box are still graham crackers and not the best food choice but it keeps my 16 month old happy during those times when I need him to stay happy (like in the car, store, etc.)  And contrary to some diet beliefs, we eat a ton of eggs in this house!

 Fresh fruit.  An absolute MUST HAVE in this house! Can't live without.

For tonight's easy-to-prepare Fish Taco dinner

Not the healthiest, but I. LOVE. Cheese!!  My favorites are Gouda and Havarti.  I like them all really.  Cheddar is usually the basic staple around here though.  

I thought I'd try out some new supplements.  We've been taking this stuff called Udo's Oil to get our Omega 3-6-9.  Anyone out there able to tell me the pros and cons of oil vs. the capsules?  Also, Can anyone tell me if these products are any good?  

God's Candy...More Fruit.  Raisins are my main magic trick for keeping my 16 month old content when he doesn't want to wait while I cook dinner.  And grapes don't last long...I bet they will be gone by tomorrow.  

So happy to have his raisins!  And yes, I feed my kids on the floor sometimes.  

 More MUST HAVES.  Yup, the veggies too.  

For Date Night tonight.... Gouda, wine and apples.  Yes, I know, it is cheap wine but I'm really thankful that I am still able to drink the lower budget wine and be just fine!  Not as cheap as my husband's Trader Joes' Three Buck Chuck that he drinks.  

What are some MUST HAVE food items in your household?



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