Monday, December 6, 2010


I have 3 kids. I am happy. I love our family with all the chaos included.  We are sleeping well again.  Our house is just big enough for all of us and we could probably get by with living here forever.  I'm running again and I don't have to share my body with anyone (if I don't want to).  No nursing, carrying a baby in my womb, no waking up in the night to pee 3 or 4 times (or more).  My husband and I are actually getting regular date nights and we are able to hang out and make plans to start traveling more often and going on family back packing trips.  We are able to do things that were just too much work for us with babies.  I'm even ready to race competitively again like I did before kids...actually like I have never done before.  I'm ready to push my body to limits I have never dreamed up.  If my hamstring cooperates with me (tonight it really kind of hurts), then I think I'm ready to see what this running body can do.  Really, life is great.  Wouldn't want to change a thing. 



Do I...



Yes, that's right folks!  I'm one of those crazy women that LOVES being pregnant!  Of course, I love the end result too.  I love everything it means to have a big family.  Yes, kids are so much work!  They suck the life out of you.  But they also give so much life to you.  They make our life rich in so many ways.  I know that with 3 kids, I have more than most and I'm already getting the eye rolls from people who think people shouldn't have more than two.  I also know that we are probably done having kids.  There is just a big part of me (a crazy part) that would love to do it one more time!  I definitely feel like I have room in my heart for another child even if I don't get to be pregnant again. Perhaps we'll even adopt.  Will this feeling of wanting another eventually just go away? 

What about you moms out there....Did you like being pregnant?  Or were you one of those moms that would rather poke your eye out?  What were your favorite parts of pregnancy?
I'm going to steal Hungry Runner Girl's idea and answer my own questions.  Thanks Janae.  :)  I love the miracle of having a child grow inside of me.  I love feeling the kicks and the hiccups.  I love watching my belly grow and get HUGE!  I love the anticipation.  It is like a 9 month long Christmas and then I finally get the greatest gift on the planet! 

Did you run while you were pregnant? 
With my first and third child I ran up until about 5 or 6 months and then I just walked daily.  I could have continued running but I felt content without it.  My hormones were so different and just didn't need running to feel balanced like I do now.  With my second pregnancy I had a hard time running because she was sooo low and put too much pressure on my bladder.  However, I had marathon cookie eating sessions every night! 

How long did it take you to get back into running again after you had your baby?
With my first and second I was back to running right away.  Maybe even as soon as 3 least jogging.  I also had Mastitis (breast infections) six times with both of them.  I finally wised up by my third and realized that running was part of the problem...I am just not one of those women that can run and nurse. Perhaps it has something to do with these really small boobs trying to hold enough milk to feed a child.  It is one or the other with me...running or nursing.  I can't have them both.

Would love to hear your stories and answers to these questions. 



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