Thursday, January 27, 2011

Listening To Our Bodies

I think we've all been there before.  We've been so determined. So focused on a goal.  So absorbed by our training, our plan, our goals to get to where we hope to be.  To accomplish the feat that will make us feel victorious.  Glorious.  Successful and satisfied.  Sometimes we get so focused on staying on track and following a "plan" that we forget to listen to our bodies.  We forget to realize that it is always okay to go off our path for a quick change of pace or direction if it means keeping our bodies healthy and injury free.  Just like with a good road trip...sometimes we need to take unexpected potty stops or we get tired and have to pull over for a pick me upper!  Without these stops or breaks we might not get to our destination at all. Isn't changing our plan or slowing down more important than never getting there at all? 

This is where I'm at this week.  I'm pulling into a rest stop with my training plan and I'm listening to my body.  This isn't always something I would have done but after reading so much about injuries and broken hearts of athletes who pushed themselves too hard or had the misfortune of hurting themselves and now can't run at all, I'm trying to learn from their stories as much as possible. My own recent injury is fresh in my mind as well. We all know that as runners, we can be a bit neurotic or obsessive sometimes (not all of us) and missing a day or two sometimes seems like the end of the world.  It is easy to feel Out of Control when we don't stick or our plan as we had expected.  Not to mention how our mood changes when we don't get our running "fix" that we are used to getting. But, I'm trying to play this thing smart.  I only have one body. One pair of strong legs, arms and feet.  One.  And I have to take care of it.  

As most of you who read my blog know, I've been experiencing some pain in the side of my leg and was thinking it was IT Band pain.  After so much great advice, googling it , and talking to friends, I'm thinking I'm right about it being my IT band. RockStarTri mentioned that sometimes woman feel the pain more in the outside of the hip rather than the knee.  This seems to be the case for me. 

I plan on posting a blog soon with all of the wise advice I received from everyone.  I also found a good video that shows me some good stretches and ways to roll it out.  Thank you everyone!

As of now I'm:
*  Taking it easy
*  Slowing down with my plan this week.  Yesterday I didn't run...only rolling and stretching
*  Tonight still not much running...spin class and then Yoga
*  YOGA...I am going to make this part of my weekly workout routine.  I think it is so important.  Meg from Meg Runs mentioned a few yoga stretches that help her with her IT band.  
*  Jill advised me to roll it and stretch it every day whether it hurts or not. She has also e-mailed to check in...thanks Jill.   
*  Miss Zippy (Amanda) has really been good about reminding me to NOT PUSH IT. Thinking of her and her recovery and hoping she can be running strong again soon!
*  LISTENING to my BODY.  

Today it is a pretty dull pain so I think it is getting less angry.  I feel pretty sore for some reason in my lower back and hips...probably from all the painful rolling and stretching.  

Thanks again to all of you for your advice and wonderful and wise reminders!  Once again, this blog is a HUGE blessing to me.  I've learned so much and I am so grateful for the resource that it proves to be for me in so many areas of my life.  

Are you remembering to listen to your body? 
I am now but I have not always done this.  When I was younger it used to be all about being tough and pushing through pain that I should have listened to.  

Would you describe yourself as obsessive, needing to be in control, or a bit neurotic about running or other things in your life?  
Once again, I am much less so now that I'm older.  I still get obsessive about things...if I have something to plan that is important...a presentations, training for a race, etc.  Training for a race and being on track with my plan helps me feel in control with other areas of my life.  

Do you feel okay about going off track of your plans when you need to or when things come up?  
After experiencing what it is like to be seriously injured (my complete hamstring tear in August) I realized just how precious my body is and how I have to take care of it in order to keep my lifestyle the way I want it to be.  I'm pretty good at reevaluating things in life and changing direction if I need to.  

Happy Thursday,


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