Naked Girl Pen!
Who doesn't want one of these?! I plan on sending it to work with my husband for a bit so he can show it off to his Engineer know, a bunch of electrical engineers have nothing better to do than go get coffee and look at a Naked Lady Pen right? Okay, since my husband has a his own real life Hot Sexy Bitch then maybe I'll just keep the pen to write in my journal with and remind myself how fun it is to win something! He'll just have to enjoy the occasional fun picture sent to him at work from my phone (TMI? Nah.) 
I did get made fun of for my long blogs and blog comments but my pride isn't hurt too badly since I know many of you out there that can match me in your comment and blog word count. You know who you are...(ahem, Jill, you're one of them and I love that about you! :) However, I know there is something to be said about keeping it short and making your blog easier to get through. That's why I am really enjoying my reading of these Dude blogs that keep it short and to the point without a whole heck of a lot of fluff (unlike me).
Seriously, though, of you have not already, go check out Chris K at BQ or Die. Love his blog. His posts and the comments on his posts are always entertaining, interesting, and enjoyable!
Just a few random things:
* Still in base building stage with my training. Last night I had some dynamic stretching followed by a 1.5 mile warm up and then six 75 second repeats at 2.5/3 incline at 6:15 pace. Ended with a 1.5 mile cool down. My hamstring kind of hurts today. I've been icing. Hope it isn't anything too big.
* Thai food tonight! My kids love Tom Kha soup mixed with rice. In fact, we had left over Tom Kha the other day and I poured some over Red Quinoa and my 3 year old ate it up! Loved it. New Favorite way to get Quinoa in their tummies. Yay!
* Spin Tonight! Love Cross Training Day!
* Thankful for a morning being fully present with my kids. When I found myself letting my mind wander to other things while I was with them, I just brought myself back to the NOW and remembered to soak it all up and enjoy what was happening at that exact moment. This being in the NOW thing is Harder than it sounds with my wandering mind. Even reading stories mind finds a way of sneaking out of the story to think of all the many things to do, etc. I actually shed a tear today when reading Stellaluna with my daughter. My kids noticed that I was really there with them too!
Happy Thursday,
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