I woke up this morning feeling much better after my Ice Bath. It sure was torture while I was doing it but I'm glad I did. Thanks for all of your tips on making it more bearable. I guess the swimsuit and sunglasses didn't help make it easier. Next time I'll have a sweater and a hot drink. But seriously, for those of you who keep your undies on or put swimsuit bottoms on with your sweater...why? Do they keep your hoo hoo from freezing or is it for modesty? I mean, the only reason I had my suit on was to be presentable for my blog video of course.
* I am hurting! Something is just not right with my body. I have a chiropractor appoinment on Monday. Hopefully an adjustment will help. Tonight during my Fartlek Friday workout, I felt so funny. My right and left leg seem so unbalanced. My right leg seems to be doing all the work while my left leg feels like it is barely touching the ground What?! This is probably a big reason for why I'm hurting in odd places. I need adjusted! * It was probably so stupid to run 9 miles with my 5 year old in a jogger stroller. In the forest with big hills no less. What was I thinking? This could be why my body feels all screwed up. Lesson learned. * My husband is redoing our molding in our house tonight and painting I should really get up and help but it is close to midnight and I just would rather sit here and blog while watching him. He's pretty sexy working so hard. I should take a picture. But that wouldn't help my cause to sit on my duff. * Yoga last night was great. The instructor was wonderful. However, she had a bad case of camel toe. * The lady in front of me in Yoga had see through pants so I could see her buns every time she bent down. And the other girl in front of me had really short shorts and she was showing everything. She was hot though. If I was a guy I would have had the best seat in the house. * I pretty much fell asleep at the end of yoga...a sure sign that this mama is tired. That's why I've decided to blog at 11:30 p.m instead of go to bed. * Rolling hurts like a mofo (is that a word?) I think I have bruises from rolling out my IT band...at least it feels that way. * My spin class was AWESOME. My instructor was a 60ish year old man who thought he was Lance Armstrong. He kicked my ass. But he made me think I was cycling in the Tour de France in the warm sunshine. Seriously, he was that good. * I slipped some flax seeds in my oatmeal the other day. At first my oldest daughter tried to pitch a fit. "What is this? Is this Quiche?? (she calls Quinoa Quiche on accident...you know, they both start with Q and she hates both of them)" I told her that they were special vitamins from God called Flax seeds that make your hair really shiny like a princess. All my kids ate it up!
* This is what I use my college degree for these days. We turn ordinary boxes like this:
Into small towns. This is just one of our buildings or whatever it might be. At this moment it is just junk on my living room floor but it was fun while it lasted.
* This is me right now:
When really, I should be helping my sweet hubby prep our windows for paining:
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