Monday, May 30, 2011

Race Update! It's Rockin'!!

Let's get Rocking!  For those of you who missed how this "race" all came about....well, it started with a little creative time with the kids and trying not to take things too seriously. You can check the first full report out at: You Rock! I Rock! We all Rock! Race Report! I'm in way too far to stop now and even if it all is a little ridiculous, hey, I'm no quitter. And it is more fun than anything so don't be a hater!  But June 1st can't come quick enough!  

SUAR is camping out all by herself.  And will be until the end.  She has ordered herself up a nice pizza and some beverages to go along with her luxury couch and bright and shining trophy that she won't be giving up.

At least SUAR is nice enough to share her tunes from her PINK GHETTO BLASTER that she saved from the 80's!  Rock IT BETH!  What are you listening to?

Heather at Run Faster Mommy is sitting pretty in her own campsite.  She's even enjoying a nice milkshake to go along with Beth's shared tunes from the ghetto blaster.  Shake It Heather! You Rock!

Team Runninghood is thinking it is time to slide on down to join the campers!  I love enjoying a good fire and beverage with my feet up.  And the tunes from Beth's Ghetto Blaster are just an extra perk!

Come on Team Runninghood!  Racing With Babes is about to push us off the slide.  Talk about injury!  This would hurt! And I have a marathon coming up this next weekend!  Can't afford injury.  I think it would just be best for you to vote and get me down to safety.  Yes?  

These guys are NOT giving up...they are about to bring out the big guns!

Taking It On doing what she does best!  Taking it On!

Studly Runner is back in this thing.  Go Marcia! She has nice legs too.  In non-rock life!

Go ahead and help Team Runninghood by donating your click at! Team Runninghood Thanks YOU!

And don't forget peeps, this is all in the name of
Life is serious enough to take things too seriously!  
So Bring It!  With a smile!


Enough of this nonsense...coming soon...Some Marathon Talk!  The Newport Marathon is in five sleeps (as Jenn says).  I'm still thinking about the idea of Oyster shots that they offer during the race.  Who needs energy Gels when you have Oyster Shots?!

Thanks for your click contributions to!  You make me SMILE! Ready, Set...
Click!  Team Runninghood Says....Thank you!  


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