Oh, and I also have my journal from high school. It is taped up tight. In fact, I really should burn it. God forbid anyone ever read that thing. My parents did once actually. Wasn't a pretty story. For any of us. My step dad took a break from his studies to "have a chat with me". This was serious if he was interrupting his 10th time reading the same book (I think he was reading some Freud book at the time). He never interrupted his studies or art time. I knew I was in trouble. I thought it was for all the bad stuff I had written in my journal. All the secrets I trusted my journal with. I've learned since then. But, no, I wasn't in trouble for anything that was written in my journal. I was getting a talk about the way I wrote. Yes, being the literary genius he was, my dad calmly said something like "Amanda, if you are going to write something in a book that will someday be seen by others, at least make it well written".
I do believe that most of my writing in my journals recently has been more of lists of happiness, goals for my life, things I don't ever want to forget. When I'm feeling angry or sad, I try to use my journals to write down things in my life that I'm thankful for and positive goals that will help me make good of the situation. I try to keep from including my dirty laundry or bad feelings about people. If I need a vent or a rant I can write it down and throw it away.
Keeping a Running Log is also something I've done several times with my training. I had a really great one going before I was injured last August. This time around I've tried Daily Mile and Recording my workouts on my blog. Nothing has felt right. In fact, I've just felt a sort of magic missing with my training. A missing puzzle piece. Tonight I realized that I was missing out on my Running Journal! I was forgetting the most important piece for me as a reflective person who loves writing and seeing the whole picture come together. I was missing the most personal and private and wonderful way for me to express myself and see my accomplishments. My running blog has served this purpose somewhat but there is something big to be said about being able to go grab my journals off the shelves in my house that hold my most precious books and just read and remember.
My Running Log/Journal might have these things:
* writing down my plan and then reflecting on how it went.
* I make little notes in there about how I'm feeling, what I'm eating, new goals as they change based on my workouts, etc.
* I include big dreams that seem impossible and that I'm not ready to share with the world
* I even take time for the occasional cut a paste craft project where I cut out phrases and pictures that are inspirational to me and make what I call vision collages that get me pumped up.
* Inspirational quotes or stickers
* Motivational letters or pep talks to myself
* Writing entries as if my race is happening and telling my story the way I want it to be.
So, I'm so excited to say that tonight I got a much needed break after 4 or 5 days with sick kids and a husband out of town. My husband sent me to the coffee shop for some ME time and he has called once to model just how being a "cool" partner is done. Gosh I love this man. Even when I'm an awful wife and completely fail on the "cool wife" level, he always shows me generosity and love.
So I took about 3 minutes to consider taking advantage of this offer to get away to be by my sick self and reflect on my running, life, and start a much needed running journal. I found this pretty little notebook that my good friend Jen gave me. I hadn't decided what to use it for but tonight I knew it would be the perfect book!
On the cover it has a quote that says: "She decided to free herself, dance into the wind, create a new language. And birds fluttered around her, writing "Yes" in the sky!" Not so sure that has anything to do with why it makes a good running journal but I like it.
I spread out my running magazines and books and loaded the Nora Jones station on Pandora and I was good to go!
I even took the time to flip through my old Marathon record books for some reminiscing and inspiration.
I finally found the perfect place for my SUAR Sticker. Much better than the toilet. The top sticker is from Lindsay at Chasing the Kenyans. Super motivational to me. Thanks for sending me one Lindsay! If you can't see, it says : " make yourself hurt and then push harder"
My weekly plan. I left space after each workout so I can go back with different colored pens and write my reflections and how the workout actually went. I included the shoes on the left page because one of my goals this month is to find some new light shoes. I'm thinking Brooks Launch and Nike Frees are on my list.
Oh, and speaking of creative journaling, I was desperate for nap today and in lieu of letting my three year old watch t.v, I was a bad mom and asked her to draw a picture on my back with gel pens. Although I probably set an awful example and will have to reteach her to NOT write on her body with pen, IT. FELT. HEAVENLY! It was worth every second of "What not to teach your child to do with gel pens" moment.
Thank you for all the awesome comments on my last blog The Mind of a Runner! I have some really great things to think about thanks to you. My favorites were:
From Briana. She included a quote that gets her going: "Pain is only temporary. It may last an hour, a day, or a year but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever." Lance Armstrong. I included this in my running journal.
From Jenn. She included a mantra from a running prayer. Love it. In fact, I'm off to write this one down in my running journal now!
"Oh Lord,
One more breath,
One more step,
One more mile,
I can do ALL things through YOU who strengthens me!"
Do you keep a runner's log or journal?
How do you keep record of your runs or workouts?
If you're not a runner, do you keep a journal or write down your goals?
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