Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Winter Storm of 2010

SNOW in Portland!
Yes, that's right folks.  Schools are canceled, the meteorologists are getting more action than they've seen in a long time, and the entire city of Portland is moving slower than usual.  All this because of maybe an inch or two of snow!  I remember the first winter I spent in Oregon. I thought it was so funny (and ridiculous that school was canceled because of an inch of snow that melted before noon.  Being a Colorado girl, I was used to walking to school in 3 feet of snow and not being able to see the roads for weeks at a time.  (Disclaimer:  When it snows even a little bit in Portland, it can be dangerous because of all the rain turning to ice on the roads so the "winter freak out" really is warranted.  Just funny.) Here's a picture of our friend Cindy enjoying the early morning snow.

I'm not really quite sure how Cindy came to be part of our family.  I'm pretty sure she was one of the many creations that my husband made with the kids when I was off at the gym or on a run or something.  She's always around now though.  She even helped us pass out candy on Halloween while we went off to trick-or-treat.  She's so excited about the snow!

This weather even makes for some good early morning cross training.  Nothing like some good "sled pulling" intervals to get your heart rate up AND win you brownie points in the mom department!

Gratitude Cards
On another note.  It is great having a daughter that can write now!  My 5 year old was in charge of our gratitude cards this year.  These are the cards everyone will write on before our Thanksgiving feast.  And yes, I make everyone share around the table.  Even though I get some eye rolls and groans of complaint about this, I know that deep down, everyone appreciates this tradition.  This is what happens when you take a teacher out of the classroom.  My traditions only get worse the longer I'm not teaching.

Running to Relieve Stress
I know that lots of blogging runners have written about how running helps to make them feel better and have more to give as a mother, wife, and person, etc.  I think this topic will come up again and again in my life and as I continue to read other blogs about running.  There is really no replacement for what a Run can do for my mood.  Last night I was feeling stressed and overwhelmed with all the noise in the house, the list of things to get done before Thanksgiving, having so many people needing me at once, the puddle of wine all over my floor from the bottle that my 16 month old knocked over....it was all just a little too much at once!  Before going to my book club down the street, I went on a short but fast run around the neighborhood.  It was truly as if I could feel the stress of the day just melt off of me with each step.  Every stride, every breath was making me feel whole again.  I came home, grabbed my book and purse and headed off to book club feeling like a new ME!  I'm so thankful for Running.  There is no better medicine for renewing my spirits, clearing my mind, re-energizing  and refocusing on the important things in life.  Running is definitely at the top of my Gratitude List for Thanksgiving and every day!


I know many of you are blogging about Shutterfly Holiday cards, you already have plans for your cards, or you just don't have any interest in holiday cards but if you are interested in getting your Holiday cards for free this year (or know of someone else in your life who would appreciate free custom designed cards or birth announcements), check out my Giveaway!


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