Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Beyond Thankful

Thankful for comebacks.  Thankful for Running legs that remember.  For two content and happy kids that sit patiently in their carriage, covered in their Tinkerbell blanket while the rain pelts down and the wind sneaks in to tickle their faces.  Thankful for being able to run so hard that I can barely breathe out the words to The Wheels On The Bus and be in tune with the little voices coming from under the blanket. Thankful for time. For a baby sleeping, music playing and a 3 year old artist creating a masterpiece next to me as I type.

Thankful for all of the loving, thoughtful and supportive comments of encouragement that I received after posting my blog Big Decision; Limitless Life about my decision to quit my job and be at home.  I have received so many genuine and warm e-mails, comments,  and messages from friends and family (in real life and blog land).  I'm thankful for knowing that I'm not alone. I have more people that love and believe in me than I ever realized.  I'm also thankful that I have the choice to stay at home.  I know this isn't a choice every mother has or even a choice that every mother wants to have.  I am thankful for mothers that respect other mothers for the choices they make for themselves.  It doesn't make someone a better mom because they stay home or work outside the home.  I'm thankful that we all have our own choices to make for what works best for our life and I'm thankful for people that respect others for their decisions even when it is different from their own! 

Oh, and I'm thankful for winning a free 30 minute massage from Back In Motion Sports Clinic here in Portland, Oregon!  Woo hoo! 

I know asking what you're thankful for isn't an original question to end my blog with but it really does bring me joy to hear what others are thankful for.  So, what are you thankful for today?

My little one here just drew what she is thankful for today and she included it in her Thankful Can that we are filling up with gratitude so we can read them all on Thanksgiving Day.  Today she drew:

*  Her foot because she is thankful for being able to walk
*  Her Daddy because she is thankful for parents.



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