Monday, June 13, 2011

[Yahalu-Yeheli] Aussies kill camels to save Earth



Aussies kill camels to save Earth

The Australian government has decided to kill camels as part of its Carbon Farming Initiative, a plan to help combat carbon emissions and global warming.

To solve the country's feral camel crisis, an Adelaide-based company called Northwest Carbon has suggested that people receive carbon credits for shooting camels or taking them to slaughterhouses. 

"We're a nation of innovators and we find innovative solutions to our challenges," said Northwest Carbon director Tim Moore. 

Australian authorities say each camel produces 45kg of methane every year, which is equal to one ton of carbon dioxide in greenhouse gas terms and more than the amount released by a transatlantic flight. 

According to Weekly World News, Australia is one of the world's worst polluters because of its reliance on coal-fired power and mining exports. 

The previous plan was to only kill feral camels, but the government has now determined that all camels are polluting the environment so "they all have to go." 

"The earth is more important than camels," said Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard. 

In order to fight global warming, Canberra's Carbon Farming Initiative also encourages people to kill as many camels as possible to save the planet. 


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