Monday, April 25, 2011

Arthur - Muffy and the Big Bad Blog

Who knew that your kids' after school cartoon could stop you in your chores and make you feel so self conscious. Ha! This episode totally made me do a little self reflection about my "blogging". Gosh, I hope my friends don't see me as a "Muffy".  But more importantly, I hope I don't turn into a Muffy with my blogging.  I can see why many bloggers just keep their blog to their blog world and don't share with their non blogging friends. I can also see how your blog can end up taking over your life and keep you from actually LIVING and instead spend more time blogging about our living. Made me laugh and cringe all at the same time.
At one point Muffy goes to school and asks her friends "So, did you read my new blog yet?!  Huh? Huh?" They all rolled their eyes and basically told her how boring it was and how nobody wants to read about what she ate for lunch or the new curtains she just put up. It was so funny to watch my kids' cartoon from my perspective.

Muffy is definitely the extreme. Hoping I'm far from a Muffy but I can see how easy it would be to cross that blog line and end up like Muffy and her big bad blog!

Happy Monday!


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