Monday, March 28, 2011

The Skunk and His Junk

*  Went to the library with my children today.  We found many great books. 
*  I always make sure to count how many library books we get so that we can keep track of them and then return them all on time.  I counted them up as we were checking them out.  We had 21.  Instead of just remembering that and making a mental note to myself I told my 4 year old "you remember that!  21.  That's the legal age to drink beer so I'm sure it won't be hard to remember.  21."  What?!  Seriously, what?!  What kind of a mom says that?  Out loud?  At the library?  or anywhere?  To their 4 year old?
*  I really do plan on changing the title of this post as soon as everyone who is going to read it reads it.  Because really, I'm kind of not wanting any more weirdos finding me on google from my titles.  Did you know that one of the top google searches for finding my blog is related to camel toes, hot sexy bitches, and naked ladies?!  What kind of people are seeing my blog?  So, I've thought about changing the titles on the following posts:  Camel Toes and Naked Lady Pens and Hot Sexy Bitch.  No wonder they are my most poplular posts. 
*  I have a tune-up race coming up in a couple weeks.  It is supposed to be a 10k according to my training plan but it is a half marathon.  There wasn't a 10k on the same weekend when I originally checked.  Now my question is....Do I only race 10k of the half marathon or do I just go all out and give it my all?   
*  Thinking that instead of my 5.5 mile tempo run on Friday, I might jump in a 10k race on Sunday?  Hmmm, wondering how I can fit this in and still get my miles that were planned for Sunday.  Maybe I could switch my progression run with my tempo run.  Just thinking out loud. 
*  I'm feeling a little sore from my 17 miles yesterday.  The trail we ran on was so muddy and wet.  I'm kind of sick of the rain but I really try hard not to complain since life really is filled with too many glorious things to be bitching about the weather.  But really, I wouldn't mind if we had some sunshine around here soon.  I'm feeling like I need a little vitamin D.  
*  So much for new blue Brooks Launch Shoes.  

*  I'm loving reading all the comments from my giveaway post!  So nice to read some real things about you.  I'm not quite sure how I'll choose the winner.  I'll probably just throw some names in a hat and draw them out but I might have to give some more entries to people that have the most convincing comments for why they should win!  
*  Several of my readers have e-mailed me and asked me about the journals that I write/keep for my children.  I plan on posting about this sometime this week if I feel inspired.  I have to be inspired to write about things like that...if not, the writing just won't flow.  
*  Speaking of writing flow.  I find that when I'm inspired to write, I really need to take my ideas and move with them.  If not, before I know it, my thoughts are deflated and I don't have any fire to write with.  I have some ideas rolling around in my head about books I want to write and I need to 1.Believe in myself. 2. Not get overwhelmed by the entire process but be able to take small steps and trust that things will come together.  3.Write from my heart and be real.  4.Trust that when the time comes, the right connections will be there.  
*  I have to say how proud I am of my mom and how honored I am to be her daughter (this will be a separate post soon too).  Some of you know that she is an artist....I've written about her before.  I'm inspired by her in so many ways and I never cease to be in amazement by what she brings to life with her paintings.  She just wakes up and starts painting from her dreams and by the end of a day she has created something that is truly fabulous.  She has also inspired me in my writing since I've always admired how she writes.  All my life, I've loved seeing her many journals that she fills in creative ways. They are filled with collages, poetry, sketches, stories from our life and hers, letters....treasures indeed!  She's where I get my love of writing and my creativity from.  Check out her link.  I especially love what she write about the meaning of her art!  Beautiful! 
*  Thank you SO very much for your kind, supportive and uplifting comments on my post about goal setting with kids.  One of the comments said something about me being so organized.  My mom found this to be so funny that she started snapping pictures of my messy house and told me that I really should show you the real deal. More messy than disorganized but what do you expect with 3 kids?! Ha! Perhaps I will include these photos in a post soon. 
*  My husband and I went to a cocktail party on Friday.  Before we left, my daughter asked me if I was wearing a shirt or a dress.  It was short but this picture makes it look way shorter since it is riding up from the way I've got my arm around my husband (hence the part of the dress that should be below my "boobs/bra" is almost above them).  This was at the end of the night so not the best picture but shows how it might have been mistaken for a shirt by my daughter.  She even said something like "you wouldn't let me wear that!"  Yes, that's right darling. 

Ha, how's this for random?!  

Happy Monday,


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