* Makes me feel good.
* Gives me a goal
* Allows me to feel strong and be ACTIVE in other areas of my life
* Helps me be more balanced, flexible, and peaceful
* Give me self confidence
* Good example to my kids
* Helps me be self disciplined
* Accomplish new running goals--be a faster runner!
* Live a better life.
* Eating right, exercise, spiritual focus and living a balanced life helps to make our life incredible!
But let's face it folks. If most of us are being honest, we also do these things because:
* It helps us look GREAT!
* Our butts look good in our favorite jeans.
* We feel sexy when we look in the mirror.
* It makes our love life more exciting
* We just feel GOOD about what we look like...feels good to look good.
Go no further for inspiration or motivation to get in shape, be the best you and be healthy! I picked up an Athleta catalog today while my daughters were in gymnastics and it was all I needed to get pumped up to workout and train hard. Yes, I want to do these things because it will make me a faster runner and hopefully live a better life but I also would love to keep on looking good! And where do they get their models for this catalog?! Seriously, talk about beautiful physique and pictures that encompass strength, mental focus, determination, adventure, balance and peace! If I had an extra paycheck, I just might buy everything I saw in their catalog. Instead, I just cut all these inspirational and motivation pictures out and did a little collage art in my running journal. It didn't take long for this creative exercise and now I feel super charged, motivated, and ready to make the most out of my life, seize the day, and accomplish some big goals for my life!
These pictures inspired me to be strong, determined, focused..mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
These pictures remind me of my desires to live a more balanced life. To make time for meditation, prayer, and seeking out love, peace, grace and beauty in everything around me.
These remind me that exercise, healthy living, setting goals, and staying focused will allow me to live the active life I want to live. I hope to continue to have a life full of adventure, travel, and all kinds of activity. I want to use my gifts and live life fully with Intention, Passion, Joy, Love and Strength.
Now time to clean up our mess. My kids are so done with collage art!
Why do you train, eat healthy, set goals, or workout?
Do you think that training for something specifically and having a certain goal to work towards helps you stay more focused on your fitness, health, and well being?
If you have never trained for something or had an athletic or fitness goal, do you have one in mind for the future?
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