Thursday, February 24, 2011

More Than a Blog

Back in October I was kind of at a mini cross roads in my life.  I guess you could say that.  I was just coming out of a serious hamstring injury, I hadn't made a decision about whether or not I would be returning to my teaching job and I was just kind of feeling lost.  I needed something.  A focus.  Something just for me to enjoy and challenge myself.  Something to make me feel like my life wasn't just about picking up cheerios, wiping butts, and breaking up fights all day. As many of you can imagine, not being able to run or exercise very hard was really wearing me down and I was starting to feel just a little crazy!  
When my friend Jenny mentioned that I should start a blog, I was totally against the idea at first.  I had no idea what to write a blog about and honestly, I felt kind of embarrassed at the idea of writing one.  I guess I just didn't really know what having a blog was all about and I didn't want to just be another blogging mommy who stays home and records her kids' every word, meal, smile, fart, and poopy diaper.  I didn't want to just write a blog that only I was interested in.  If I was going to write, I wanted to write about something that others were interested in reading too.

What I did hope to gain from this blog:
*  An outlet to express myself
*  An opportunity to learn about running, nutrition, training, and healthy living
*  A way to process my thinking and reflections as a mother 
*  An avenue for growing as a writer and getting more fluent in my writing
*  A way to build up writing samples 
*  An opportunity to bring up important issues in motherhood, running, and life and have feedback, comments, ideas, and advice from others.
*  A way to share the creative projects and ideas I do with my children
*  To connect with others who hold similar passions and interests.

What I didn't expect to come from this blog:  
*  Having people that want to read it besides my mom.  I thought that maybe 10-20 people would be reading it by now and I figured that most of those people would be people that I already know.
*  That I'd make some genuine friends!  I mean some of you have turned into modern day pen pals and I honestly feel like I've made some genuine friendships.
*  Being so incredibly inspired by your comments, feedback, and by reading other blogs.
*  Learning so much from your comments, feedback, advice, and blog posts.
*  That what I had to say about my life and reflections would be inspirational to others....every e-mail, letter or comment I receive from people who thank me for something I wrote, or tell me that something I said resonated with them or inspired them means so much to me.  It puts a huge smile on my heart and makes me feel like that is reason enough to keep writing.  
*  Getting some awesome Mail!!

This morning I got an e-mail from a runner here in Portland, OR.  She just started a running blog about making her running dreams come true.  She's AWESOME and has some natural talent and gifts as a runner.  I'm excited to see her reach her goals and make her dreams come true.  I'm also excited to get to know her as a friend and go on some slow runs with her so we can chat.  She gave me her number and we had a great conversation this morning about our training, her awesome coach, and our goals.  I can already tell that I will learn from her and be inspired by her dedication and motivation! When we ended our conversation, I felt so inspired and pumped to continue to train hard and dream big.  Thanks Nicole!   So, go say hello to Nicole Wagner at My Dream to Run!

Here are just a few things I've gotten in the mail this week:  

Awhile back H Love from Keep on Keeping On asked how many miles we guessed she would run on her vacation with her family.  I guessed the exact number so she sent me some little treats in the mail!  

I especially love her sticker and the bare Minerals mascara!  My kids thought it was pretty special to get something too!  And I can't wait to use the Shot Roks!  Thanks H Love! I found the perfect place for your sticker...the cover of my Running Journal!  And one of my favorite verses is Isaiah 40:31. 

Jess from Blonde Ponytail, one of my favorite blog friends, sent me some mail too!  She sent me a very sweet card and included her awesome running sticker!  I had a hard time deciding where in my Running Journal to put it since it didn't fit on the cover very well.  I finally found a page just for her!  Then, because I truly do think I've learned something from every single one of you that comment on my blog posts and that write fabulous blogs, I wrote down some things I've learned from Jess and how she has inspired me.  Thanks Jess!  

Look what else I got in the mail today:

Wow, that online shopping was fast!  I'm thinking tomorrow I will receive my black arm warmers and the blue/black Nike racing top that I caved in and bought!  

I'm excited to try out my Wave Riders tonight on my 8 mile run!  But first, I'm off to go wake these little sickies up:

Happy Thursday!  


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