Saturday, October 23, 2010

Power of Words

Not being able to run for the past 2 1/2 months really gets to me some days.  Today was a morning I woke up feeling like I was drowning as a mother.  My house was a mess, everyone needed me at the same time, and my head was swimming with ideas and lists of things to get done.  Typically when I feel like this, I take it to the road and run.  I run until my head is clear and my spirit feels alive and then I'm ready to deal with anything life has to throw my way. 

As I was looking around at the scattered dishes, crayons on the floors and table, toys making a trail down the hallway, and kids at my feet, I took a deep breath, stopped and looked at my refrigerator door.  I must have had the same pictures and various things attached to my refrigerator for quite some time now but just hadn't bothered to really notice it any time recently.  I'm so glad I stopped to notice it today because I needed to read the words I did. 

I had two thank you cards taped among the pictures that make me happy.  Thank you cards from two of my closest friends that just had babies.  Their words were just what I needed to clear my head.  Their words reminded me that being a mother is greater than running or anything else that life has to offer.  Their sweet words were magic.  I've always believed in the power of words.  Words to inspire and motivate.  Words to show love and appreciation.  Words to boost someone's spirits and give them comfort.  We can never underestimate what sincere words can mean to someone.  I'm a big believer in telling people how you feel and taking the time to thank people for what they mean to you.  These things are treasures to me and I'm so glad that I stopped to look around today...the same walls I always look at but today, I slowed down enough to really look.  So glad I did.

I even got one step close to running today on our family walk/near jog (don't worry, I'm still playing it smart). 


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