Facts about kissing
1. Kisses to develop light: if we usually do about 20 breaths per minute, during a kiss, this number could triple.
2. Passionate kisses increase heartbeat - these wires to improve blood circulation and metabolism. In addition, these pleasant activities train the heart muscle.
3. Often, kissing people less likely to suffer from caries. The fact that kissing stimulates increased formation of saliva, which in turn cleans the teeth are not worse than sugar-free Orbit.
4. During this kiss are a lot of facial muscles - it's a great exercise for the prevention of wrinkles.
5. For one kiss length per minute you can spend 12 kcal. Scientists estimate that if the daily kiss to 3 minutes per year can lose three pounds - without dieting and grueling workouts.
6. Since during a kiss improves blood circulation and metabolism, brain cells become saturated with oxygen, and this is a positive effect on mental work, memory and concentration ability.
7. During the kiss is the adrenaline rush of blood - the body charged with energy and comes in a tone.
8. Liberated by kissing enzymes prevent the development of the stress hormone - glucocorticoids. That's why a kiss - an excellent remedy for stress and depression.
9. During the kiss, is released into the blood of the hormone endorphin, which is also called hormone of happiness. Embraced - and life drowned in bright colors!
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