Thursday, June 2, 2011


A: The Canucks and bikes.

Q: What does Vancouver love?

The next fortnight promises to be a poop-storm of both. If you didn't see the epic of epic goals last night play-off game, Vancouver tucked away the only goal of the night on the Bruins with 20 seconds left in the 3rd. I didn't even watch the game OR read the news but I know this, that is how insane this city is going with Hockey fever. It seeps into your minds whilst you sleep. This is because Vancouver's love for their team is intense. (Don't click on that link if you are my mother/anybody's mother.) I look forward to the giant street parties/riots for the next 6 games. I've been dinging my bell on the streets but it gets drowned out when every dude with their mom's car keys and a jersey is out honking non-stop when the Canucks score/almost score/win/get mentioned on the radio.


Tonight starts the festivities of VELOPALOOZA, Vancouver's amazing grass-roots inspired 14 day festival of all things bike. There is a bike ride for everyone, from the amazing Bike Rave 2.0 hosted by my friend Mr. Eric Stall to a Sandwich Nazi Ride hosted by my friend Cy Eaton. Tonight it starts at the Waldorf Hotel (Vancouver's answer to the Drake, in fact Namtron and I often find ourselves calling it that) and ends with car-free day on Commercial Drive. (Kensignton P.S. anyone?). See, Toronto and Vancouver aren't so different, except the Canucks are a real NHL team.

My must have bike accessory for these two weeks? The Oopsmark Bike Wine Rack.

via the Toronto Standard

Of course a Montrealer would create something so beautiful....


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